Writing Ground | KING

The language of movement can be said to contain words, in that you are producing thoughts and ideas that have to be realized in physical form. The alphabet has to be clear and its symbolic meaning understood.  The dancers are inhabiting ideas. They are the rhythmically moving breath of thought made visible.
Words can transport you to a place beyond words.  No word can be uttered without the movement of thought and the vibration of energy which produces sound.   Any language can be a launching pad for transcendence. There is power in the written and spoken word.
Power lies in the meaning behind words and the understanding of that meaning brings experience to the reader/listener.In movement it is the mental state or consciousness of the mover that transport the viewer into deeper contemplation. Colums words made me think of the endless trillions of thoughts that proceed from humanity in our unanimous quest to avoid suffering and attain some ever interesting joy, and how ultimately those words become sacred texts which design our lives.  This led me to use the sacred music of various cultures.  Thoughts are universally rooted.  We think we are thinking our own thoughts but in reality we are plugging into existing structures.

Alonzo King

"Writing Ground" | ALONZO KING
Choreography: Alonzo King
Music: the Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and Tibetan Buddhist traditions
Scenography: Robert Rosenwasser
Costumes: Robert Rosenwasser
Lighting: Axel Morgenthaler
Duration: 43 min

King’s masterful Writing Ground draws inspiration from poems by award-winning author Colum McCann
Commissioned by the Monaco Dance Forum

Creation for Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo
Premiere on July 12th 2010, Terraces of the Casino de Monte-Carlo