- Les Ballets de Monte Carlo
- Monaco Dance Forum
- Académie Princesse Grace
- SEASON 2024-2025
- Group

Health & Performance Team
Health & Performance Team
In April 2022, the Health and Performance team was established to ensure and guide the care, well-being and performance enhancement of the dancers of the Ballets de Monte-Carlo and the Académie Princesses Grace.
Two projects:
- In house projects: The company dancers
Support and assure the dancer's daily health challenges with the health team and outside consultants and optimise their performance.
- External project: the global impact
Using the connections and opportunities available to the BMC and its international health team to serve the greater good of the dance profession. Our initial project is the Dancers COVID-19 survey to appreciate the effects of the pandemic on professional dancers throughout the world and to support dancers and the dance field on a local and global level.
Peter Lewton-Brain DO., Osteopath, PhD Candidate City University Londres, past President of the International Association of Dance Medicine & Science, Responsible for the Health Team
Clémence Tourneur, Physiotherapist with a Master of Science and and Coordinator of the health area
Ying Deng Hong, Personal Care and dancers support
Dr Eleonora Abreu MD, Psychiatrist CHPG, supporting Dancers in mental health
Asier Uriagereka, Certified Pilates and Feldenkrais Instructor
Orthopedic surgeons:
Dr. Phillip Baumen, NYCB, ABT
Dr. Nancy Kadel, IADMS president, Seattle Dance Alliance
Dr. David Weiss, Harkness Dance Clinique NYC
Sports doctors:
Dr. Xavière Barreau, Ballet de l'Opéra de Paris
Dr. Kathleen Davenport, Miami Ballet
Dr. Matthew Grierson, Seattle Dance Alliance
Dr. Steven Karageanes, Univ. Michigan
Dr. Liane Simmel, TaMed fondatrice, Munich, Germany
Chloé Saumade, osteopath, PNSD Rosella Hightower
Dr. Susan Mayes, Australian Ballet
Moira McCormack, Royal Ballet (London)
Marika Molnar, NYCB
Psychiatry/ Psychology:
Dr. Bonnie Robson, Toronto, Canada
Dr. Lynda Mainwaring, University of Toronto, Canada
Dr. Paula Thompson, University of Southern California
Centre Médical International de Monaco
Centre Hospitalier Princesse Grace (CHPG)
Université Côte d'Azur
Pôle National Supérieur de Danse Rosella Hightower
Association Danse Médecine Recherche
Département des Affaires Sociales et de la Santé de la Principauté de Monaco