Dov'é la Luna Maillot
"Dov'é la Luna" chor. Maillot //©MLB
Core Meu Jean-Christophe Maillot
"Core Meu" Chor. Maillot // ©AB
"Dov'é la Luna" chor. Maillot //©MLB
"Core Meu" Chor. Maillot // ©AB



A solemn mass for seven dancers, Dov’è la Luna delves through shadow and light looking for the bodies hidden there. This piece explores the place between life and death where a second birth is in preparation. As for Core Meu, the piece offers a meeting at the top between the frenzied Tarantella of the Puglia region and the technicality of a classical ballet company in full possession of its means.

"DOV'È' LA LUNA" Chor. Maillot | READ MORE
Choreography: Jean-Christophe Maillot
Music: Alexandre Scriabine
Pianist: Hervé Billaut
Scenography and costumes: Jérôme Kaplan
Lighting: Dominique Drillot
Premiere held on December 25th 1994, Salle Garnier Opéra de Monte-Carlo
Duration: 28 min

"CORE MEU" Chor. Maillot | READ MORE
Choreography: Jean-Christophe Maillot
Music: Antonio Castrignanò
Costumes: Salvador Mateu Andujar
Lighting: Samuel Thery
Duration: 38 min
With the participation of Antonio Castrignanò & Taranta Sounds