Christopher Wheeldon

Within the Golden Hour | WHEELDON

Within the Golden Hour is a ballet first inspired by the color, light and use of gold in the paintings of Viennese artist Gustav Klimt. Something about the music of Ezio Bosso suggested the eroticism and the shimmer and swirl of Klimt’s stylized works of art. This was enough for me to embark on a journey creating fleeting moments that suggest at times ancient ritual, witty social dancing and dueling dancers. Do not fight the beauty, because that is all this ballet is meant to be. A poem of movement and light and music. We exist in challenging times where new dance is quite often used as propaganda or as a comment on the angst of daily life. Within the Golden Hour is the opposite of that, an excuse to simply admire the otherworldly qualities of these extraordinary dancers as they sculpt their bodies to the haunting strains of Ezzio Bosso’s music for strings, bathed in the colors and light of the golden hour.

Christopher Wheeldon

Choreography: Christopher Wheeldon
Music: Ezio Bosso, Antonio Vivaldi
Costumes: Jasper Conran
Lighting: Peter Mumford
Ballet re-stage by: Jason Fowler
Duration: 28 min

Premiere by the San Francisco Ballet on April 22nd 2008, War Memorial Opera House
Premiere by Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo on April 24th 2024, Grimaldi Forum Monaco