The Company

"Back on Track" watch on BMC STREAM!

The relationship with the passing of time and the need to create constantly are at the heart of "Back on Track 61." As a mise-en-abyme of his reflection, Jean-Christophe Maillot offers the Compagnie’s dancers the presence of Bernice Coppieters and Asier Uriagereka who return to the stage … (Re)discover "Back on Track" on BMC STREAM!

Also to watch on our video platform, Côté Cours with l'Étoile des Ballets de Monte-Carlo, which movingly recounts this unexpected return “on pointe” and the pleasure of dancing again with her former partner and accomplice Asier Uriagereka. And also the clip on Shantala Shinvalingappa, the Indian artist who was a guest of Monaco Dance Forum in December 2022.

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